The file cannot be validated as the XML definition "/home/drsm/work/workspace/sts2/kgdnp/src/main/java/log4j.dtd (No such file or directory)" that is specified as describing the syntax of the file cannot be located.
you can fix this by manually adding new XML catalog entry to STS. Open the preferences and navigate XML -> XML Catalog and click add to the following entry:
Location: jar:file:/home/drsm/devtools/sts/sts-2.5.0.M3/plugins/org.apache.log4j_1.2.15.v201005080500.jar!/org/apache/log4j/xml/log4j.dtd
(you need to modify this to reflect your installation path)
Key Type: Public ID
Key: -//APACHE//DTD LOG4J 1.2//EN
Now click OK and if everything goes well you see the new entry the User Specified Entries with no red cross indicating an issue.
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